# Configuration ## Config Files This project uses `/src/lib/config/` as the config file directory, but most configurations do not need to be modified in general. ### site.ts | Site Info ```ts export const site: SiteConfig = { protocol: import.meta.env.URARA_SITE_PROTOCOL ?? import.meta.env.DEV ? 'http://' : 'https://', // site protocol (usually no change is required) domain: import.meta.env.URARA_SITE_DOMAIN ?? 'urara-demo.netlify.app', // site domain title: 'Urara', // title subtitle: 'Sweet & Powerful SvelteKit Blog Template', // subtitle lang: 'en', // language descr: 'Powered by SvelteKit/Urara', // description author: { name: 'John Doe', // author name avatar: '/assets/maskable@512.png', // author image status: '🌸', // author status bio: 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.' // author bio }, themeColor: '#3D4451' // theme color (currently only used in Manifest) } ``` ### icon.ts | Icons Some icons are provided by default to be compatible with web app manifests and modern browsers, and can be replaced by yourself. ``` /urara/favicon.png - Website icon, 32x32 /urara/assets/any@180.png - Website icon, 180x180 /urara/assets/any@192.png - Website/Manifest icon, 192x192 /urara/assets/any@512.png - Manifest icon, 512x512 /urara/assets/manifest@192.png - Manifest mask icon, 192x192 /urara/assets/manifest@512.png - Manifest mask icon, 512x512 ``` You can also replace the number of icons and their paths by modifying `/src/lib/config/icon.ts`. ### general.ts | Theme ```ts export const theme: ThemeConfig = [ { name: 'light', // Theme varable name text: '🌕 Light' // Theme display name, can be modified }, { name: 'dark', text: '🌑 Dark' }, ] ``` This project uses the [**daisyUI**](https://daisyui.com/) theme, see the availble [**daisyUI themes**](https://daisyui.com/docs/themes/?lang=en). ### general.ts | Header ```ts export const header: HeaderConfig = { nav: [ { text: 'Get Started', // Button name link: '/hello-world' // Link to page, or other sites }, { text: 'Elements', link: '/hello-world/elements' } ] } ``` Dropdown menu can added to the header following the format below. ```ts { text: 'Hello World', children: [ { text: 'Get Started', link: '/hello-world' }, { text: 'Elements', link: '/hello-world/elements' }, { text: 'ToC Disabled', link: '/hello-world/toc-disabled' } ] } ``` ### general.ts | Footer Same as the Header, except the dropdown menu. ```ts export const footer: FooterConfig = { nav: [ { text: 'Feed', // Hypelink name link: '/atom.xml' // Link to page, or other sites }, { text: 'Sitemap', link: '/sitemap.xml' } ] } ``` ### general.ts | Date Format ```ts export const date: DateConfig = { locales: 'en', // Language, refer to IETF language tag options: { year: '2-digit', // Year: numeric / 2-digit weekday: 'long', // Week: narrow / short / long month: 'short', // Month: numeric / 2-digit / narrow / short / long day: 'numeric' // day: numeric / 2-digit } } ``` For more additonal, see [**Intl.DateTimeFormat - JavaScript | MDN**](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat).