# Changelog ## v1.13.3 (2025-01-11) - add option `WithInitialOffset(offset int64)` - allows to set initial offset for getUpdates method ## v1.13.2 (2025-01-11) - change field type `WebAppUser.ID` from `int` to `int64` ## v1.13.1 (2025-01-10) - add method `bot.ID() int64` - add method `bot.Token() string` ## v1.13.0 (2025-01-10) - support API 8.2 (#144) - fix unmarshal ChatBackground - ValidateWebappRequest - now returns model WebAppUser (#143) ## v1.12.1 (2024-12-19) - add handler type for photo captions (#138) ## v1.12.0 (2024-12-19) - support API v8.1 ## v1.11.1 (2024-11-21) - fix CreateNewStickerSetParams (#132) ## v1.11.0 (2024-11-18) - support API v8.0 ## v1.10.1 (2024-11-08) - Fix arm64 panic (#130) ## v1.10.0 (2024-10-31) - support API v7.11 ## v1.9.1 (2024-10-21) - fix unmarshal `ChatBackground` type (#126) ## v1.9.0 (2024-10-17) - IMPORTANT! New option `WithNotAsyncHandlers` allows to run handlers in the main goroutine. Now, by default, all handlers are run in separate goroutines. ## v1.8.4 (2024-10-10) - add method GetBusinessConnection (#123) ## v1.8.3 (2024-10-07) - add function `bot.SetToken` - update GitHub action versions ## v1.8.2 (2024-09-23) - change field type `FromChatID` from string to any for `ForwardMessageParams`, `ForwardMessagesParams`, `CopyMessageParams` and `CopyMessagesParams` params ## v1.8.1 (2024-09-16) - change handlers map to slice (#115) - feat: Ability to process updates across multiple gorutines (#112) - add 'HandlerTypeCallbackQueryGameShortName' (#108) - feat: add middlewares for handler (#105) ## v1.8.0 (2024-09-13) - support API v7.10 - change type for field Type in models.Chat and models.ChatFullInfo from `string` to `models.ChatType` - add consts for ChatType - models.ChatTypePrivate - models.ChatTypeGroup - models.ChatTypeSupergroup - models.ChatTypeChannel ## v1.7.3 (2024-09-10) - Fix findHandler behavior ## v1.7.2 (2024-08-23) - fix: pass error with `%w` instead `%v` after rawRequest ## v1.7.1 (2024-08-22) - add option `UseTestEnvironment` for use test environment in API requests ## v1.7.0 (2024-08-14) - support API v7.9 ## v1.6.1 (2024-07-25) - add ValidateWebappRequest func for validate MiniApp requests ## v1.6.0 (2024-07-18) - support API v7.6, 7.7 - add const `models.ParseModeMarkdownV1` ## v1.5.0 (2024-06-24) - support API v7.5 ## v1.4.1 (2024-06-19) - fix: getGameHighScores returns an array of high scores instead of a single object (#94) - Use any type for ChatID in SetGameScoreParams and GetGameHighScoreParams (#88) ## v1.4.0 (2024-05-29) - support API v7.4 ## v1.3.1 (2024-05-22) - add Marshal functions for struct with many types - ChatBoostSource - ChatBackground - ChatMember - MenuButton - MaybeInaccessibleMessage - ReactionType - MessageOrigin ## v1.3.0 (2024-05-20) - support API v7.3 ## v1.2.2 (2024-04-25) - fix race in test - add example inline_keyboard_multiselect ## v1.2.1 (2024-04-03) - Added error handling for specific error codes (#69) - fix: exit from waitUpdates function when context is terminated (#75) ## v1.2.0 (2024-04-02) - support API v7.2 - remove worker pool - add option `WithUpdatesChannelCap` ## v1.1.7 (2024-03-11) - add error `ErrorForbidden` for responses with error code 403 - fix CopyMessages capture response - ForwardMessages properly unmarshal result (#68) ## v1.1.6 (2024-03-05) - ForwardMessages return slice of MessageID (#66) ## v1.1.5 (2024-03-04) - add option WithAllowedUpdates (#65) ## v1.1.4 (2024-02-27) - fix `CallbackQuery.Message` field type from `InaccessibleMessage` to `MaybeInaccessibleMessage` ## v1.1.3 (2024-02-22) - fix json tag for DeleteMessagesParams.MessageIDs ## v1.1.2 (2024-02-21) - fix SetMessageReaction marshal func, fix get response for this method ## v1.1.1 (2024-02-21) - fix typo in json tag `models.UsersShared` for field UserIDs ## v1.1.0 (2024-02-19) - support API v7.1 ## v1.0.1 (2024-01-15) - fix: add 'omitempty' to LinkPreviewOptions.URL ## v1.0.0 (2024-01-10) - support API v7.0 ## v0.8.3 (2023-12-07) - Fix typo for setChatDescription params (#49) - add example handler_match_func - add function bot.FileDownloadLink ## v0.8.2 (2023-10-16) - add missed field HasSpoiler to InputMedia types ## v0.8.1 (2023-10-09) - json tag typo fix (#41) vvok12* ## v0.8.0 (2023-09-28) - support bot api 6.9 ## v0.7.15 (2023-08-24) - support bot api 6.8 ## v0.7.14 (2023-08-14) - update `defaultUpdatesChanCap` from 64 to 1024 ## v0.7.13 (2023-06-14) - revert `v0.7.7` changes ## v0.7.12 (2023-06-13) - check for empty token on bot init ## v0.7.11 (2023-05-26) - add missed ChatID to BotCommandScopeChat - add missed BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators.MarshalCustom ## v0.7.10 (2023-05-22) - add ChatAction type with consts for `sendChatAction` method ## v0.7.9 (2023-05-16) - add option `WithSkipGetMe()` ## v0.7.8 (2023-04-26) - [BUGFIX] fix type of field `Message.ReplyMarkup` (#30) - improve examples (#31) ## v0.7.7 (2023-04-24) - change `models.ReplyMarkup` from `any` to interface ## v0.7.6 (2023-04-24) - support bot api 6.7 ## v0.7.5 (2023-04-13) - add option `WithDebugHandler` ## v0.7.4 (2023-04-10) - [BUGFIX] change field `SendPollParams.IsAnonymous` to *bool (#26) - add helpers `bot.True()` and `bot.False()` for define *bool values ## v0.7.3 (2023-04-05) - make `bot.ProcessUpdate` public ## v0.7.2 (2023-04-03) - fix copyMessage method (#24) ## v0.7.1 (2023-03-20) - fix field name in MenuButtonWebApp #21 ## v0.7.0 (2023-03-14) - support bot api 6.6 ## v0.6.0 (2023-03-01) - [BREAKING] change UserID field type in methods params and models from `int` to `int64` #19 ## v0.5.1 (2023-02-10) - [BUGFIX] send http.NoBody if all params fields are empty. For example, method `getMyCommands` has not required fields ## v0.5.0 (2023-02-06) - support bot api 6.5 ## v0.4.3 (2023-02-05) - [BUGFIX] SendChatAction now calls `sendChatAction` instead `sendDice` ## v0.4.2 (2023-01-30) - [BUGFIX] change field Thumb to InputFile type ## v0.4.1 (2023-01-19) - add func `EscapeMarkdownUnescaped` for escape only unescaped symbols ## v0.4.0 (2023-01-13) - [BREAKING] change some types from `int` to `int64` #11 ## v0.3.4 (2023-01-10) - support bot api 6.4 ## v0.3.3 (2022-12-28) - add `RegisterHandlerMatchFunc` ## v0.3.2 (2022-11-28) - fix field type SendDocumentParams.Document from string to InputFile, add example ## v0.3.1 (2022-11-05) - support bot api 6.3 ## v0.3.0 (2022-10-14) - **[API CHANGE]** method New now call `getMe` after init and returns error as second result on fail ## v0.2.2 (2022-08-23) - support bot api v6.2 ## v0.2.1 (2022-07-08) - support bot api v6.1 ## v0.2.0 (2022-05-06) - change API. Use bot funcs instead of`methods` package. ## v0.1.1 (2022-05-02) - add webhook support - API refactoring - use bot.GetUpdates() instead of bot.Start() ## v0.1.0 (2022-05-02) - initial release