package main import ( "context" "fmt" "os" "os/signal" "" "" ) // Payments example // 1. Add payment method for your bot in BotFather. For example, use Test provider Paymaster. // 2. Store provider token in environment variable EXAMPLE_TELEGRAM_PAYMENT_TOKEN. // 3. Start the bot and send /payment command to the bot. // 4. Click on the payment button in the chat. // 5. Enter test card data: 5185730450000003, 01/30, 123 (see test cards in // 6. Click on the Pay button. // See for details func main() { ctx, cancel := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), os.Interrupt) defer cancel() opts := []bot.Option{ bot.WithDefaultHandler(handler), bot.WithMessageTextHandler("/payment", bot.MatchTypeExact, handlerPaymentCommand), } b, _ := bot.New(os.Getenv("EXAMPLE_TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN"), opts...) b.Start(ctx) } func handlerPaymentCommand(ctx context.Context, b *bot.Bot, update *models.Update) { _, err := b.SendInvoice(ctx, &bot.SendInvoiceParams{ ChatID: update.Message.Chat.ID, MessageThreadID: 0, Title: "Invoice Title", Description: "Invoice description", Payload: "xxx", ProviderToken: os.Getenv("EXAMPLE_TELEGRAM_PAYMENT_TOKEN"), Currency: "RUB", Prices: []models.LabeledPrice{ {Label: "Price 1", Amount: 12425}, {Label: "Price 2", Amount: 32454}, }, }) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("error sending invoice: %s\n", err) } } func handler(ctx context.Context, b *bot.Bot, update *models.Update) { if update.PreCheckoutQuery != nil { fmt.Printf("get PreCheckoutQuery for invoce payload: %s\n", update.PreCheckoutQuery.InvoicePayload) b.AnswerPreCheckoutQuery(ctx, &bot.AnswerPreCheckoutQueryParams{ PreCheckoutQueryID: update.PreCheckoutQuery.ID, OK: true, ErrorMessage: "", }) return } if update.Message != nil { if update.Message.SuccessfulPayment != nil { b.SendMessage(ctx, &bot.SendMessageParams{ ChatID: update.Message.Chat.ID, Text: fmt.Sprintf("Payment was successful with payment payload: *%s*", update.Message.SuccessfulPayment.InvoicePayload), ParseMode: models.ParseModeMarkdown, }) return } } }